Manufacturing Success: Microinnova’s Case Studies

The benefits of smart continuous manufacturing and process intensification are much broader than previously expected. Through our trusted approach, Microinnova gives the chemistry what the chemistry needs by identifying the critical parameters for each process. By selecting the best technology via process intensification and the application of continuous flow technology, we enable one or more of the following advantages: higher yields, higher selectivity, reduction of operation steps, increased labor efficiency, higher safety, increased development speed, energy savings and more.

Chemical reactions which are tricky to handle, e.g. highly exothermic or toxic reactions become less of a threat and/or will be much easier to process in a robust and efficient manner. Also, mixing-sensitive reactions profit from a continuous approach and will perform much better than in a traditional batch process. Debottlenecking projects have demonstrated that continuous manufacturing could be effectively used to double capacity. In order to increase the visibility of the vast benefits of smart continuous manufacturing and process intensification, we have compiled a list of some of the plants we have designed and built for our customers. Even though processes are rather different, each solution generates a significant value for our customers. 

Take a look at our selection of Case Studies!


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