Using experience from over 200 projects, we have developed our own proven methodology for intensifying processes using flow chemistry. The unique interaction between our engineering and process development teams means Microinnova delivers a truly boutique-style experience for maximizing your process efficiency.

Continuous Manufacturing - One Stop Shop for Flow Chemistry
Process Research

Literature Survey
Batch/MW Testing
Solvent Screening

Process Design

Kinetic Estimation
Eval. Crit. Parameters
Risk Assessment
1st Plant Cost Estimate


Process Development
Update Plant Costs

Pilot (if necessary)

Basic Engineering

User Requirements
Spec. Main Equipment
Plant Offer

Turnkey Core Plant Skid

Detailed Engineering

Process Research

Phase 1: Process Research

Comprising of 2 main parts, the first part involves route scouting during which we work on finding a chemical production route. The second part involves developing the process concept in which optimize the chemical route to use as few unit operations and solvents as possible, and develop clever strategies for potential by-products.

Phase 2: Process Design

We identify critical parameters for a process on the basis of a methodology we call “MIC Fish”, in order to understand the process needs from the chemistry and the chemical engineering perspective. A block flow diagram places focus on the plant realization, including risk assessment and a first plant cost estimation. 

Continuous Manufacturing - Process Design
Continuous Manufacturing - Feasibility

Phase 3: Feasibility

The chemical feasibility phase is where a continuous process is developed and optimized. The technology selection responds to the identified critical parameters. The second step, the technical feasibility phase, is when we perform process verification on scalable equipment and generate data for basic engineering. For large scaling factors and for specific technologies pilot trials might be necessary.  

Phase 4: Basic Engineering

Based on the user requirement specification (URS) of the plant, we specify the main equipment and incorporate our generated process knowledge into the plant design and provide an offer for the plant. Advanced features like PAT, model predictive control and advanced protocols like MTP can be integrated.

Continuous Manufacturing - Basic Engineering
Continuous Manufacturing - Turnkey Plant

Phase 5: Turnkey Core Plant Skid

Detailed engineering ends with the design release (Design Qualification DQ), after which the plant will be assembled. The design and assembling is verified by a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and ends with a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) at the client’s site. Qualification (IQ, OQ, PQ) can be executed by Microinnova on request.  
